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第一条 为贯彻执行《中华人民共和国外汇管理暂行条例》第三十一条、第三十三条的规定,特制定本细则。
第二条 下列行为,都属于套汇:
第三条 对套汇者区别情况作如下处罚:
第四条 下列行为,都属于逃汇:
第五条 对逃汇者区别情况作如下处罚:
第六条 下列行为,都属于扰乱金融:
第七条 对犯有前条违法行为者区别情况作如下处罚:
第八条 对第二、四、六条未作具体规定的其他违反外汇管理的违法行为,可以区别情况,参照本细则最相类似的条款处理。
第九条 违反外汇管理,情节轻微,或者主动向管汇机关坦白交待违法事实、真诚悔改、检举立功的,可以从宽处理直至免予处罚;抗拒检查、掩盖违法事实、屡教不改的,按照本细则第三、五、七条的规定从重处罚。
第十条 套汇、逃汇、扰乱金融,情节严重的案件,应当移送司法机关依法处理。
第十一条 管汇机关查处违反外汇管理案件,为了防止违法单位转移资金,可以通知银行冻结其违法款项,冻结时间不超过两个月,届期自动解冻。遇有特殊情况需要适当延长冻结时间的,管汇机关应当重新办理通知手续。对于拒不缴付罚没款项的违法单位,管汇机关可以从其开户银
第十二条 管汇机关处理违反外汇管理案件,应当制发处罚决定书,通知被查处的单位或者个人。当事人对管汇机关的处罚决定不服,可以在接到处罚决定书之日起的十五日内,向上一级管汇机关申请复议;当事人不服复议决定的,可以向当地人民法院起诉。
第十三条 违反外汇管理的案件,由管汇机关处理;通过货物、行李物品、邮递物品、运输工具进出国境,从而具有走私性质的套汇、逃汇案件,由海关处理;利用外汇、外币票证进行投机倒把的案件,由工商行政管理机关处理。
第十四条 经济特区违反外汇管理处罚办法,由广东省、福建省人民政府参照本细则另行制定。
第十五条 本细则由国家外汇管理局负责解释。
第十六条 本细则自发布之日起施行。(附英文)


Important Notice: (注意事项)
英文本源自中华人民共和国务院法制局编译, 中国法制出版社出版的《中华人民
当发生歧意时, 应以法律法规颁布单位发布的中文原文为准.
This English document is coming from the "LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE
which is compiled by the Brueau of Legislative Affairs of the State
Council of the People's Republic of China, and is published by the China
Legal System Publishing House.
In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.

Whole Document (法规全文)
(Approved by the State Council on March 5, 1985, promulgated by
the State Administration of Foreign Exchange Control on April 5, 1985)
Article 1
These Rules are formulated for the implementation of Articles 31 and 33 of
the Interim Regulations for Foreign Exchange Control of the People's
Republic of China.
Article 2
The following acts shall be regarded as unlawful procurement of foreign
1) paying in Renminbi for imports or other items that ought to be paid in
foreign exchange, unless otherwise approved by the State Administration of
Foreign Exchange Control or its branch offices
(hereinafter referred to as foreign exchange control agencies), or
stipulated by the State;
2) paying in Renminbi by organizations within territory to defray the
expenses in China for organizations stationed abroad, foreign
organizations stationed in China, enterprises with overseas Chinese
capital, foreign-capital enterprises, Chinese-foreign equity joint
ventures, and individuals coming to China for a short stay, in return for
reimbursement in foreign exchange which is not sold to the State;
3) paying in Renminbi by organizations stationed abroad to defray expenses
with their own Renminbi in China for others in return for reimbursement in
foreign exchange;
4) paying in Renminbi by foreign organizations stationed in China,
enterprises with overseas Chinese capital, foreign-capital enterprises,
Chinese-foreign equity joint ventures and the personnel thereof to defray
expenses for others in return for reimbursement in foreign exchange or in
other forms of a similar nature;
5) making repayments without approval of foreign exchange control agencies
in Renminbi by delegations, working groups or members thereof sent abroad
or to Hong Kong, Macao and other regions, who put to other uses or spend
on purchase of goods the foreign exchange allocated for the mission or
that earned from their various kinds of business operations;
6) offsetting export proceeds or other foreign exchange earnings against
import costs or other expenditures by organizations within territory.
Article 3
Unlawful procurement of foreign exchange shall be penalized according to
different circumstances in the following ways:
1) If the foreign exchange unlawfully procured remains unused, the party
procuring the foreign exchange from others shall be ordered to repatriate
the foreign exchange within a prescribed time limit for a compulsory sale
to the State. If it has been used up, the party concerned must repay it
either by a compulsory sale to the State of an equal amount of foreign
exchange or by a deduction of the amount from the foreign exchange quota
allotted to the said party. In case the said party has no foreign exchange
to repay, the difference between the domestic and international market
prices of the goods purchased with the unlawfully procured exchange shall
be paid. In addition, a fine equivalent to 10-30% of the amount of the
foreign exchange unlawfully procured may be imposed.
2) The party procuring foreign exchange for others shall be fined a sum
equivalent to 10-30% of the amount of the foreign exchange illegally
procured in light of the seriousness of the case.
Article 4
The following acts shall be regarded as evasion of foreign exchange
1) retaining, spending or depositing foreign exchange earnings abroad by
organizations within territory without prior approval of the exchange
control agencies; depositing foreign exchange earnings abroad in violation
of the Regulations for Foreign Exchange Control Relating to Enterprises
with Overseas Chinese Capital, Foreign-capital Enterprises and
Chinese-foreign Equity Joint Ventures;
2) retaining or depositing abroad without authorization the foreign
exchange which is concealed by organizations within territory, enterprises
with overseas Chinese capital, foreign-capital enterprises and Chinese-
foreign equity joint ventures and which is acquired through such means as
reporting less foreign exchange receipts by understating the export prices
or commissions, or reporting more foreign exchange expenditures by
overstating the import prices, expenses and commissions.
3) retaining for business operations abroad or putting to other uses the
profits that ought to be repatriated according to State provisions, by
organizations stationed abroad or by Chinese joint venturers in Chinese-
foreign equity joint ventures established abroad;
4) failing to use the foreign exchange allocated for the mission or earned
from various kinds of business operations according to plans and
depositing it abroad or putting it to other uses, without otherwise
approval of the foreign exchange control agencies, by delegations or
working groups and the members thereof sent abroad or to Hong Kong, Macao
and other regions.
Article 5
Evasion of foreign exchange control shall be penalized according to
different circumstances in the following ways:
1) if the foreign exchange acquired through evasion still remains unused,
the evader or the involved competent department shall be ordered to
repatriate it within a prescribed time limit for compulsory sale to the
State; or the full amount of foreign exchange or part thereof shall be
confiscated. In addition, a fine equivalent to 10-50% of the amount of the
foreign exchange evaded may be imposed;
2) if the foreign exchange acquired through evasion has been used up, the
evader shall be ordered to repay an equal amount of foreign exchange which
shall be sold to the State or confiscated. In addition, a fine equivalent
to 10-50% of the amount of the foreign exchange evaded may be imposed;
3) if the evader has no foreign exchange to repay, a fine equivalent to no
less than 30% of but no more than the full amount of the foreign exchange
acquired through evasion shall be imposed, or the illegal gains therefrom
shall be confiscated, or the fine and confiscation shall be imposed
Article 6
The following acts shall be regarded as disrupting financial stability:
1) engaging in foreign exchange business without prior approval of the
State Administration of Foreign Exchange Control or on a scale beyond the
approved business scope;
2) issuing securities denominated in foreign currencies in China or
abroad, or accepting loans offered by banks or enterprises in foreign
countries or in Hong Kong, Macao and other regions by organizations within
territory without prior approval of the State Council or the departments
authorized by the State Council;
3) using foreign currency by organizations within territory, without
otherwise approval of the foreign exchange control agencies, as the
monetary unit in settling accounts, borrowing or lending, making transfers
or obtaining mortgages, or as a medium of exchange in business
4) buying and selling foreign exchange without authorization or in any
disguised form, or at rates above those set by the State Administration of
Foreign Exchange Control, or profiteering in buying and selling foreign
Article 7
The following penalties shall be imposed on the offenders involved in the
cases listed in the preceding Article according to different
1) For cases' referred to in paragraph (1), the offenders shall be ordered
to cease their foreign exchange business or operations that exceed the
approved scope, or their unlawful earnings shall be confiscated or a fine
up to but no more than the full amount of the illegal operating fund shall
be imposed, or the fine and confiscation shall be imposed concurrently.
2) For cases referred to in paragraph (2), the offenders shall be ordered
not to issue new securities or not to accept new loans, and may also be
fined a sum up to but no more than 20% of the securities issued or loans
3) For cases referred to in paragraphs (3) and (4), the offenders shall be
ordered to sell their unlawfully transacted foreign exchange to the State
and their illegal gains shall be confiscated, or a fine up to but no more
than the full amount of the foreign exchange illegally transacted shall be
imposed, or the fine and confiscation shall be imposed concurrently.
Article 8
For other acts in violation of foreign exchange control not specifically
listed in Articles 2, 4 and 6, penalties may be meted out according to the
seriousness of the case with reference to the most relevant provisions
provided in these Rules.
Article 9
In cases of minor offences, the offenders who voluntarily confess to their
unlawful activities before the foreign exchange control agencies, show
sincere repentance and demonstrate meritorious conduct by informing
against other offenders shall be dealt with leniently or exempt from
punishment. Offenders who refuse to confess, try to cover up their
offences or refuse to mend their ways despite repeated admonition shall be
punished severely in accordance with Articles 3, 5 and 7 of these Rules.
Article 10
Serious cases of unlawful procurement of foreign exchange, evasion of
foreign exchange control or disrupting financial stability shall be
transferred to judicial organs for handling according to law.
Article 11
To prevent violators from transferring their unlawfully acquired funds
when violations of foreign exchange control are under investigation, the
foreign exchange control agencies may ask the banks to freeze the funds in
question for a period of no more than two months. Upon expiry, the funds
shall be unfrozen automatically. If an extension of the period is
necessary under special circumstances, the relevant foreign exchange
control agency shall renew the notification to the bank concerned. In case
a violator refuses to pay the fine or the sum to be confiscated, the
relevant foreign exchange control agency may enforce the penalty by
deducting the sum from the violator's bank account.
Article 12
In cases where the foreign exchange control agencies impose penalties,
notices of penalty decision shall be served to the units or individuals
being penalized. If the party concerned does not agree with the penalty
decision, it(he) may appeal to the foreign exchange control agency at the
next higher level for reconsideration within 15 days as of the date of
receipt of the notice. If the party concerned still does not agree with
the decision of reconsideration, it(he) may bring a suit in the local
people's court.
Article 13
Cases involving violation of foreign exchange control regulations shall be
handled by the foreign exchange control agencies; cases involving unlawful
procurement of foreign exchange and evasion of foreign exchange control
that are of the nature of smuggling by means of illegally getting the
goods into or out of the country as part of luggage and personal effects,
by post or other means of transport, shall be handled by the Customs; and
cases involving the use of foreign exchange or payment instruments in
foreign currency for speculation and profiteering shall be handled by the
administrative departments for industry and commerce.
Article 14
Measures for penalizing violations of foreign exchange control in the
special economic zones shall be separately formulated by the Governments
of Guangdong and Fujian Provinces by taking reference to these Rules.
Article 15
The State Administration of Foreign Exchange Control shall be responsible
for interpreting these Rules.
Article 16
These Rules shall come into force as of the date of promulgation.




第一章 总 则
第一条 为了加强体育市场管理,促进体育事业发展,保护体育市场经营者和消费者的合法权益,根据《中华人民共和国体育法》和国家有关规定,结合我区实际,制定本规定。
第二条 本规定所称体育市场,是指以体育服务为宗旨,体育经营为手段,体育活动为主要内容的专门市场,包括:
第三条 凡在本自治区行政区域内从事体育经营活动的公民、法人和其他组织(以下简称体育市场经营者),均须遵守本规定。
第四条 经营和管理体育市场,必须坚持为社会主义服务和为人民服务的方向,把社会效益放在首位,争取取得好的经济效益。
第五条 各级人民政府应当贯彻放开、搞活、引导和服务的方针,加强对体育市场的管理,鼓励和保护开展多层次、多渠道和多形式的体育经营活动。

第二章 管理机构与职责
第六条 县级以上人民政府体育行政主管部门归口管理本行政区域内的体育市场,主要职责是:
第七条 工商、税务、公安和物价等部门应当按照各自职责,依法做好体育市场的管理工作。

第三章 从业条件与程序
第八条 从事体育经营活动必须具备下列条件:
第九条 凡从事本规定第二条所列体育经营活动的,应当经县级以上人民政府体育行政主管部门进行资格审批。
第十条 体育市场经营者跨所在行署、市、县(区)行政区域从事体育经营活动的,应当经所在地体育行政主管部门同意,并报自治区体育行政主管部门备案。
第十一条 各行署、市、县(区)行政区域内的体育市场经营者,从事全国性、国际性及跨省(区)体育经营活动的,应当提前三个月将主办单位的证明文件和所在地体育行政主管部门的审查文件,报自治区体育行政主管部门审核,符合条件的,由自治区体育行政主管部门报国家体育
第十二条 开办体育市场,应当向所在地工商行政管理部门申请登记,领取市场登记证;从事体育经营活动的经营者应当依法办理工商注册登记,并到税务部门办理有关手续。

第四章 经营活动与管理
第十三条 体育市场经营者应当维护体育经营活动场所秩序,保证体育活动场所安全和卫生,防止环境污染。
第十四条 体育市场经营者组织营业性体育竞赛、表演和培训,必须保证质量;提供体育信息服务,应当对其真实性负责。
第十五条 营业性体育场馆不得接纳未按规定取得举办资格的经营者,进行营业性体育竞赛、表演、培训和体育信息服务等活动。
第十六条 体育市场经营者不得雇用或者聘用未取得《体育专业岗位合格证》的人员担任体育经营活动的教练、指(辅)导、培训、信息服务和应急救护等工作。
第十七条 营业性体育市场收费,应当按照国家有关规定实行明码标价,并严格执行收费标准。具体收费标准,由自治区体育行政主管部门会同物价部门制定。
第十八条 各类体育经营活动的广告宣传必须真实,符合《中华人民共和国广告法》和《宁夏回族自治区户外广告管理条例》的有关规定。
第十九条 体育市场经营者对侵犯其合法权益的单位和个人,有检举揭发、控告、申诉和抵制违法收费的权利。

第五章 奖励与处罚
第二十条 符合下列条件之一的,由各级人民政府或者体育行政主管部门给予表彰奖励;
第二十一条 违反本规定第九条第一款规定的,由县级以上人民政府体育行政主管责令改正,并可处以1000元以上10000元以下的罚款。
第二十二条 违反本规定第九条第二款规定的,由自治区人民政府体育行政主管部门责令改正,并可处以100元以上5000以下的罚款。
第二十三条 违反本规定第十条第二款规定的,由自治区人民政府体育行政主管部门责令改正,没收违法所得;并可处以2000元以上30000元以下的罚款。
第二十四条 违反本规定第十四条、第十五条和第十六条规定的,由县级以上人民政府体育行政主管部门责令改正,没收违法所得;并可以处1000元以上20000元以下的罚款。
第二十五条 违反本规定第十八条和其他工商行政管理规定行为的,由县级以上人民政府工商行政管理部门依法给予处罚。
第二十六条 在体育经营活动中,违反税务、物价、卫生、环保和治安管理行为的,由有关部门依照法律、法规和规章的规定给予处罚;构成犯罪的依法追究刑事责任。
第二十七条 被处以罚款的单位和个人,必须在规定的期限内缴纳罚款;到期不缴纳的,每日按罚款数额的3%加处罚款。
第二十八条 体育市场管理部门的工作人员,在体育市场管理工作中徇私舞弊、收受贿赂、玩忽职守、滥用职权的,由所在单位或者主管部门依照《中华人民共和国行政处罚法》的规定给予处理。
第二十九条 当事人对行政处罚决定不服的,有权依法申请行政复议或者提起行政诉讼。

第六章 附 则
第三十条 本规定自发布之日起实行。



国家计委 国家工商行政管理总局


二00三年一月六日 计价检[2003]32号




第一条 为依法惩处价格违法行为,加强价格主管部门、工商行政管理部门在吊销价格违法经营者营业执照过程中的协调配合,依据《中华人民共和国价格法》、《价格违法行为行政处罚规定》等法律、行政法规,制定本规定。

第二条 经营者有《价格法》第十四条所列行为之一,情节严重的,价格主管部门应当责令其停业整顿,或者提请工商行政管理部门吊销其营业执照。


第三条 提请工商行政管理部门吊销营业执照,应当由价格主管部门案件审理委员会集体讨论决定。

第四条 价格主管部门决定提请工商行政管理部门吊销营业执照的,应当制作《吊销营业执照建议书》,提交其核发营业执照的工商行政管理部门。


第五条 价格主管部门向工商行政管理部门提交《吊销营业执照建议书》后,应当按照《价格行政处罚程序规定》结案。

第六条 工商行政管理部门在决定是否吊销营业执照的过程中,需要价格主管部门协助的,价格主管部门应当予以协助。

第七条 工商行政管理部门对依法作出吊销营业执照处罚的,应当及时告知价格主管部门。

第八条 本规定由国家发展计划委员会、国家工商行政管理总局负责解释。

第九条 本规定自2003年3月1日起施行。